Red Hat to Debian Packaging conversion

Here's a quick reference to the Red Hat and Debian based packaging systems:

Red Hat/Fedora

Adding, Removing and Upgrading Packages
Refresh list of available packages
Yum refreshes each time it's used
apt-get update

Install a package from a repository
yum install package_name
apt-get install package_name

Install a package file
yum install package.rpm
rpm -i package.rpm
dpkg --install package.deb

Remove a package
rpm -e package_name
apt-get remove package_name

Check for package upgrades
yum check-update
apt-get -s upgrade
apt-get -s dist-upgrade

Upgrade packages
yum update
rpm -Uvh [args]
apt-get dist-upgrade

Upgrade the entire system
yum upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

Package Information

Get information about an available package
yum search package_name
apt-cache search package_name

Show available packages
yum list available
apt-cache dumpavail

List all installed packages
yum list installed
rpm -qa
dpkg --list

Get information about a package
yum info package_name
apt-cache show package_name

Get information about an installed package
rpm -qi package_name
dpkg --status package_name

List files in an installed package
rpm -ql package_name
dpkg --listfiles package_name

List documentation files in an installed package
rpm -qd package_name

List configuration files in an installed package
rpm -qc package_name

Show the packages a given package depends on
rpm -qR package_name
apt-cache depends

Show other packages that depend on a
given package (reverse dependency)
rpm -q -whatrequires [args]
apt-cache rdepends

Package File Information

Get information about a package file
rpm -qpi package.rpm
dpkg --info package.deb

List files in a package file
rpm -qpl package.rpm
dpkg --contents package.deb

List documentation files in a package file
rpm -qpd package.rpm

List configuration files in a package file
rpm -qpc package.rpm

Extract files in a package
rpm2cpio package.rpm | cpio -vid
dpkg-deb --extract package.deb dir-to-extract-to

Find package that installed a file
rpm -qf filename
dpkg --search filename

Find package that provides a particular file
yum provides filename
apt-file search filename

Misc. Packaging System Tools

Show stats about the package cache
apt-cache stats

Verify all installed packages
rpm -Va

Remove packages from the local cache directory
yum clean packages
apt-get clean

Remove only obsolete packages from the local cache directory
apt-get autoclean

Remove header files from the local cache directory
(forcing a new download of same on next use)
yum clean headers
apt-file purge

General Packaging System Information

Package file extension

Repository location configuration
